Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ilhéus and free WiFi

So, I came to spend mother's day with my mom at my grandparent's place. They live in Ilhéus, a very nice town in south Bahia (will post pictures later, but Google is your friend). Like any other geek MSc. student with a lot going on at the same time, I missed Internet (actually, I didn't miss it yet, since I just got here... but I knew I was gonna miss it pretty soon). But, after dinner, while everybody was watching the soaps, I came out to the balcony to work on some stuff I had to write. Well, since optimism is one thing I have a lot of, I just start looking for WiFi networks on the neighborhood... found three of them, and guess what?!?! One of them was open!!!! God bless unsecured, free WiFi net access!!!!


Anonymous said...

You do realise that they might have done this so that they could sniff your network traffic, don't you? ;)

Unknown said...

It's possible, but I don't really care... it's free net access from my grandma's balcony!!! :-) which has a great view, by the way...