Thursday, October 25, 2007


Yeah baby, I'm going to Australia!!!!! I can finally say that, short of a lightning bolt falling on my ass, I'm flying to Australia this Sunday. I just got news today that my visa application got accepted, I've had my ticket for a couple of weeks now, now it's just a matter of waiting a few days and BAM!!!!, Australia it is!!! Naturally I have quite a few plans already: there is this conference I have to attend and there's some people I'm visiting. Let's see what I already have:
  • I land in Sydney Tuesday, the 30th of October. Go straight to Wollongong, where ProvSec 2007 (the conference I'm attending) is taking place.
  • The conference is actually on the 1st and 2nd of November, so that will give one day to explore the town and see what's up. Then there's a couple of days of working and then, on the 3rd, I'm back in Sydney.
  • now the doubts begin: I'll outline what now is "Plan A" and then talk about my douts... I should spend the weekend in Sydney and then monday morning catch a bus tour to Melbourne: that takes 3 days and I should be in Melbourne wednesday evening, 11/07. Below there is a Google Map of the bus route (both this part and the part from Melbourne to Adelaide).

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  • Then I should be in Melbourne 'till the weekend, a good 4 days to get to know the city. Here I should meet some nice friends from Winterkurs '06 who I haven't seen in quite a while and who'll be kind enough to put a roof over my head!!! :-)
  • Then it's time to be off to Adelaide. I'd like to do a roadtrip (still following the route on the map above), people say this road by the sea (the Great Ocean Road) is awesome and I 'm one to love roadtrips... but I'm still to find some company and I don't think I'm up for it alone... so I might just take another bus tour here... well, anyway I should be in Adelaide around the 14th... and count on the hospitality of yet another WK'06 friend to put up with me! :-)
  • once again, should stay there 'til the weekend and this time I'll go across the country to Cairns (all the way up on the northeast), see the Great Barrier Reef. I'm still thinking about how long I should be there, don't know if I should take diving classes or just snorkel around (the problem is that diving classes would cost me around 2 days of the trip... that's A LOT)...
  • After Cairns, probably around the 25th, I fly back to Sydney. Then I still have 3 days to kill over there before I catch my flight back home, on the 29th...
So, does that sound like a plan or what?!!? :-) I'll be sure to take a shitload of pictures and try and post here as often as possible... so, is there anything fundamentally amazing I'm missing here??? Anywhere I should go??? Anything "not-so-interesting" I'm wasting my time on??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're all set, then. Best of luck in Australia, mate.