I'm back home! After a wonderful month in Australia (hopefully you've seen the photos), I'm back in Campinas and eager to post about the books I read while I was there. Well, I don't know about you guys but I need a book when I'm traveling: there's just so many different situations when you feel like reading something good that I'm sure I'll be constantly regretting it if I don't bring any good book with me. With that in mind, I bought a book before leaving Brasil: Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce. I'd tried Joyce before (Finnegan's Wake, if you are curious), with very little success. But, I don't know why, I thought this would be easier. Well, it sure is easier, but not quite easy enough. The thing is, a good travel-book has to be "easy-reading" too, in the sense that it shouldn't require too much concentration to get through: definitely I'd made a bad choice this time. Consequently, my first couple of weeks in Australia were pretty much bookless. When I got to Adelaide though, I got a pretty cool gift from my
By the time I was flying back here, I'd almost finished the book so I knew that I'd need something to get me through the endless

First of all, a word of warning is in place: this is a book about a teenager written for teenagers. Even though its topic is pretty serious (teenage pregnancy), I am, by no means, its target audience. Having said that, I found it a pretty enjoyable harmless reading; it's not brilliant and it's not up to the standard of his previous books (always keeping in mind, I'm not the intended audience here). I don't know if it's already been too long since I was a teenager, but Sam is a really annoyingly silly, Tony Hawk-crazed, very "teenagy" guy, whereas Alicia is this centered, well-balanced, unbelievably pretty girl. He is in fact so childish that you just get pissed off most of the time reading the book (since its told from his perspective, knowing what he thinks sometimes is just irritating). But it is a pretty interesting book about a pretty rough subject, with intricate , well-developed characters (Sam and Alicia, for example, change quite a lot throughout the book). And it feels quite realistic too. It was an enjoyable book overall, just below his previous work because of the whole "teenage-book" thing.
Written to the sound of A.C. Newman, Badly Drawn Boy, Elliot Smith and Jeff Buckley...
Cara estava acompanhando seu blog e tenho que falar que gostei mto...
Queria saber mais sobre Australia na realidade...
Você foi la a estudos e ficou um mes foi isso mesmo???
foi difícil conseguir vistos essas coisas?
Bom abraços...
Eu fui apresentar um trabalho numa conferência, na verdade... e fiquei um mês depois disso.
o processo do visto foi meio chato, eles pedem bastante coisa mas, uma vez que reuni tudo o que eles pediram, me deram o visto sem maiores problemas... acho que visto pra estudante é o mesmo esquema: eles são exigentes mas se você conseguir tudo o que eles pedem, eles te dão o visto numa boa... conheci muito brasileiro que tava por lá estudando (e trabalhando) tranquilamente...
continue acompanhando aí que eu devo postar mais histórias/fotos agora que tou em casa com tempo de rever tudo!!
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