So, last Tuesday I finally watched
The Bourne Ultimatum. I'd heard wonders about it, which includes it getting 10/10 from Set magazine (the biggest movie magazine in Brasil, albeit a not very good one) and it being rated 8.5 in IMDb as the 20th best movie ever to include "action" in its genre (the list includes movies such as The Matrix, Fight Club, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Apocalipse Now, The 7 Samurai and The Good, the Bad and th Ugly). So I had my hopes very high for this one, specially since the first two Bourne's were pretty cool. A couple weeks ago I re-watched both
The Bourne Identity and
The Bourne Supremacy, just to be sure the whole "Bourne dilemma" was fresh in my mind. And there I went. First of all: God bless Paul Greengrass, he really is an amazing director (well, at least for action/thrillers). He really has a unique style, the camera is always moving, and very nervously so. And the best thing is he perfected that technique in the third part of the trilogy: what was a little sloppy and annoying in Supremacy (I mean, it was pretty hard to understand any of the fights), was perfectly done in Ultimatum. Second, you have to praise the cast, specially Matt Damon; his presence holds the whole thing together. And I even liked Julia Stiles in this one!!! All the fight scenes are really impressive and raw, and the fight between Bourne and Desh is as good as any I've seen, reminding me a little bit from the very beginning of Casino Royale (but in full color). In the end it's movie about Bourne's quest for knowledge of himself, and when he finally gets it (in series of pretty shocking flashbacks), he must fight to cope with it all. Besides being one of the best "action/thriller" movies I've seen, it's a great movie period. It's so seldom you see a true trilogy that actually makes sense and finishes on a top note that it's refreshing. And in a year as weak as this one has been, it's probably on my Top 5 list so far.
Oie!!! Adorei o comentário!!! Então quer dizer que vc estava escondendo o jogo? Vc também tem um blog!!! Muito legal!!! Aliás, quero ver esse filme! Aos poucos vou lendo os outros posts para saber como e onde vc está, já que vc está escrevendo em inglês. Bjão enorme, valeu pela visita e tudo de bom aí para vc!
Pois é, eu costumava escrever em português mas aí eu pensei q a gente vai arrumando tanta amizade por aí (ainda mais com essas viagens loucas ) q era melhor escrever em inglês mesmo, assim todo mundo entende... :-) Por sinal tem um post antigo por aí sobre aquela música (q eu citei no seu blog), uma das minhas preferidas de Alanis... bjão, e não pense q eu esqueci de um certo tour de uma certa área vinícula não, viu... :-)
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