Sunday, June 10, 2007
An Odd Weekend
The truth is I watch far too many movies to have the patience and time to write about all of them. I really wish I did write about them, but I don't. Especially because most movies I watch aren't that noteworthy: not too bad, not (in the timeless words of Joey Tribbiani) the best-thing-since-sliced-bread, just some quality 2-hour entertainment. As the addict I know I am, I need it. But I do like to write about the movies that are noteworthy: and how often do you watch in the same weekend the best and the worst movie of the year (so far)??
Let's start with the worst movie of the year. I know it's only June, and whenever you say "It couldn't get any worse", it does, but I seriously doubt I'll watch anything worse than Premonition in the movies this year. There are only two good things about this movies: Sandra Bullock's tits. That's it. And, I'm sorry to say that, they're far from being enough to entertain anyone for 96 minutes... the movie is dumb, dull, annoying, and it makes absolutely no sense at all. I actually checked my votes on IMDb, and, as I suspected, the last movie that had annoyed me as much as this one was Catwoman (yes, I did watch it), and that's saying A LOT!!! Please, even if you are desperate and there's nothing else on that you haven't watched, go see something you've already seen. It's better than wasting your money on this. It would have certainly ruined my mood, were it not for the beers I drank afterwards... :-)
Now, the good news: Stranger Than Fiction. It's actually old news, but I hadn't watched it yet: I was traveling when it opened in Brasil and it only arrived in video stores this week. This movie is what people should aim at when they start writing scripts. It's certainly the kind of movie I wish I could write. It's brilliant, poetic, funny, moving, beautiful. Everybody is on the top of their games: the script is amazing (why the fuck wasn't it nominated for the Oscar??!!?!?!), each and every actor is perfectly cast and just amazingly comfortable in their characters, it's well directed, it's got a pretty cool soundtrack... just a combination of wonderful qualities. I don't usually tell the stories of the movies I write about, but I'm gonna make an exception with this one: it's about a guy who suddenly starts to hear in his head a narration of his own life. And, surely, he starts obsessing about it when he learns some troubling news about his future. If that's is not enough to enthrall you, well I'm sorry... maybe you should go watch Premonition: who knows, you might like it!
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The fact that as soon as the movie had finished the both of us hurried to the exit door is a strong evidence that Premonition was atrocious. I didn't even care about those folks behind us talking during the movie - I wasn't really missing anything worth paying attention.
And I agree that it would have been a terrible night out were it not for the beers - and the blond waitress was not bad too. ;-)
Shrek 3 this week?
Shrek 3 this week... I just hope it doesn't suck!
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