Walking back home from the movies tonight I must've thought of a few dozen ways to start this post. I've settled with stating that this movie will blow our mind away. It's really late and I'm lazy, so I'll probably not write as much as the movie deserves, but I'll say this: I probably watched both the best movie of the year and the best comic book-based movie ever made. It's that good. It's long, it's unbelievably tense, it's smart, it's disturbing, it's genius. Batman Begins was incredible, but Dark Knight is so much more! Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan are their usual, incredibly talented selves, as in the previous movie. Good ol' Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman are still there. But now there's so much more to it... I'm sure you've heard this before, but Heath Ledger is simply uncanny, he just got the Joker. And I think "getting" goes a long way in describing this movie: the writer got the characters. The story in itself doesn't come straight from any one book that I know. But, somehow, he just got the characters: he was able to distill all the decades of Batman, Joker and Harvey Dent in an amazing, brilliant, two and a half hour long story. I'm in awe, and I definitely will watch it again, this time in IMAX, before I fly back to Brasil. Summer has been good to us so far, making up for last year: Indy, Iron Man, Hulk, Wanted, Sarah Marshall, Kung Fu Panda, Wall-E. But we got a clear winner: just go watch it and then tell me what you think.
If I could choose one band (realistically, no Beatles or Pink Floyd here) to watch live while I'm up here in the US, it would Dave Matthews Band. Their albums are amazing, but from all I can gather they're even more stunning live. This is Dancing Nancies, from the concert they did in Central Park where he does an amazing intro to the song (the bartender bid). I love it when artists change their songs for live performances in a way that you actually believe it's showing a little bit more about how they're feeling at that specific moment...
By the way, "Dancing Nancies", as I recently learned, is idiom for transvestite prostitutes... Just for that, I think it's worth putting the lyrics here (after the video).
And so We Say, And so We Say, And So We Say, Bartender Please, I Know It's Late, I Know Last Call has come and gone, But Why Don't You Fill Me Up With One More Long, Long Drink, And Then I Go Home, C'mon Hook Me Up, Bartender Hook Me Up, Lock The Door, start countin the money If You Need To But, C'mon, C'mon, C'mon, C'mon, Hook Me Up, Bartender Please, Won't You?
I Wasn't Planning On Gettin' Drunk Tonight But, It Seemed Like The Right Decision Tonight, Luck Would Have It, She Stood Me Up, And Now My son, Now My Son, I Was Wondering If,I Was Wondering If,I Was Wondering If I Might Have Been Somebody Other Than Myself, If I Could Have Been Somebody Other Than Myself, Anyone,
Well Could I Have Been, A Parking Lot Attendant, Could I Have Been, A Millionaire up There On fifth Avenue, Oh Could I Have Been, Lost Late At Night Somewhere In Central Park, Could I Have Been, a mistake, Well Could I Have Been, Anyone Other Than Me, Could I Have Been, (Oh) Anyone Other Than Me (Oh) Could I Have Been, Anyone Other Than Me, Could I Have Been, Anyone,
He Stands Touch His Hair His Shoes Untied, Tounge-gapping Stare, Could I Have Been, A Magnet For Money, Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me, twenty three I'm So Tired Of Life Such A Shame You throw It All Away, The Images Grow Darker Still, Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me And Then I, I Look Up At The Sky, My Mouth Is Open Wide, Lick and Taste What’s The Use In Worrying, What’s The Use In Hurrying, Turn turn We Almost Become Dizzy,
I Am Who I Am, Who I Am, Well, Who Am I? Requesting Some Elightment, Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me, And Then I'll, Sing And Dance, I'll Play For You Tonight, The Thrill Of It All, Dark Clouds May Hang On Me Sometimes, But I'll Work It Out, And Then I, I Look Up At The Sky, My Mouth Is Open Wide, Lick and Taste What’s The Use In Worrying, What’s The Use In Hurrying, Turn Turn We Almost Become Dizzy,
Falling Out Of a World Of Lies, Could I Have Been A Dancing Nancie, (ooh) A Dancing Nancie,(I Could Have Been Anyone) Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me And Then I'll, Sing And Dance,(La La La Hey La La La Hey La La La) Sing And Dance,(La La La Hey La La La Hey La La La) Sing And Dance, I'll Play For You Tonight, The Thrill Of It All, Dark Clouds May Hang On Me Sometimes, But I'll Work It Out And Then I, Look Up At The Sky, My Mouth Is Open Wide, Lick and Taste What’s The Use In Worrying, What’s The Use In Hurrying, Turn Turn We Almost Become Dizzy
A lot of really cool stuff has happened in this trip to the US, and I'm still hoping I'll get around to blogging about them sooner or later. But this weekend I did such a cool trip that I just had to get the photos online so I could share them here!! These were all taken this saturday at Mount Rainier, a little over 2 hours away from Seattle. Amazing place!