So, I was supposed to have written this a couple of weeks ago when I watched
Iron Man, but never got around to: summer (in the US, that is) has begun again, and with it some interesting movies are coming out, thank God!! Iron Man was pretty cool, fun enough a good start to Marvel Comics' new role as a full studio. This week I watched Speed Racer in IMAX (oh, yeah, I'm in the US right now by the way), and it was proof that size doesn't matter; it felt like it sucked twice as much because i was twice as big!! But today was a glorious day,
Indiana Jones is back!!!! And he's got it for some weird shiny crystal skull, apparently. Indy is a classic, never matched by any other adventure movie. This last installment has everything that made it so: incredibly talented people, fast pace, great sense of humor, great action scenes, incredibly impossible scenes and legends. If anybody had any doubts about Harrison Ford's ability to do it again, think again: he's still great as ever. Shia LaBeouf is a pretty worthy successor to Indy's charisma, and is pretty cool in his James Dean persona. And, well, Karen Allen is Marion, period (actually I wish she had a little more screen time and got to show off a little more of her personality, like she did in Raiders... but nothing is perfect). I don't really know if I liked Cate Blanchett's weird Russian chick, but it definitely wasn't enough to put me off. On the directing front, Spielberg proves himself once again: the camera travels around the scenes perfectly, showing us incredibly creative and beautiful shots. Well, I could talk all day about how cool this movie is, and about the few details I didn't like, but it would be boring and I would probably spoil some surprise for the few brave ones that read through to the end: just go watch the movie and enjoy it, you're gonna have a blast!!! Oh, and for the curious, I'm in Seattle right now, will do a post about that sometime soon... cheers, guys!!