2007 was the year I stopped being so lazy and started looking for new music. I really listened to a lot of new (for me) stuff and found I liked a lot of them. At least three or four of these "new" bands are now amongst my most-listened. I was wondering whether I should talk about the stuff I discovered in 2007 (even though most of it has been around for quite some time), or the stuff that actually came out last year. Being lazy as I am, I chose the latter basically because it's less to write about :-)... I might come back and do the other later on!!!!
Let's start with the Best Album of the year... here, I have three very strong contestants:
- Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, by Spoon
- Icky Thump, by The White Stripes
- Magic, by Bruce Springsteen
I'll have a hard time choosing a favorite. Icky Thump is probably the most irregular of the three: it has some pretty weak tunes (I don't really like
Conquest and a couple other), but it also has some of the best songs of the year:
Icky Thump,
300 M.P.H. Torrential Outpour Blues and
Rag and Bone. Spoon's album is a lot more regular, it's one of those albums that you just listen from start to finish without ever feeling like skipping. But there's not really any song on the level of
300 M.P.H... Magic is an amazing record... like Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, there are no weak tracks; it also "tells a story" through some really amazing songs, at least three of which (
Gypsy Biker,
Girls in Their Summer Clothes, and
Magic, not to mention the catchiest of all,
Radio Nowhere) can go head-to-head with Jack White's best any day. So, there you go, it wasn't so hard after all:
- Magic, by Bruce Springsteen
- Icky Thump, by The White Stripes
- Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, by Spoon
- Who You Are, by Cary Brothers
- Sky Blue Sky, by Wilco
Some albums may not be in my list simply because I haven't had the chance of listening to them. Others I did listen to and couldn't see what the fuss was all about: specifically, why the hell did everybody love M.I.A., Arcade Fire, and LCD Soundsystem, respectively numbers 1, 4 and 7 in
Rolling Stone's Top 50 Albums of 2007 list? It's beyond me... too much electronica for my taste... actually, I might give M.I.A. another shot, it did sound different enough to deserver a few listens... Arcade Fire is interesting, but definitely not great... and LCD, well, I would say that they really suck... but since everybody seems to love them, I'll just say that "they're really not the kind of music I like"... I'll come back later for another post on My Top 5 Songs of 2007...